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柬埔寨 15 省安裝焚化爐

發布時間:2020-04-09 11:47:32

Ministry of Environment officials have handed out more than 25 incinerators to local authorities to address short- and medium-term waste reduction in 15 provinces. Ministry secretary of state and spokesman Neth Pheaktra, told The Post on Wednesday that the Ministry of Environment had provided 50 motorcycles with carts to the district authorities to transport rubbish from local areas to the incinerators. Pheaktra said rubbish in Cambodia currently stands at more than 10,000 tonnes per day and nearly four million tonnes a year, of which 65 per cent is organic waste, 20 per cent plastic and the rest solid waste and others. He said only about 51 percent of the rubbish is dumped at landfills, with the rest dumped on street corners, in water sources, or burned.

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